Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Software testing is a largely unregulated industry. The lack of regulation can make it easier for unethical behaviour to go unchecked, such as companies making false claims about their testing services, manipulating data to make products appear more reliable than they really are, or testers completely falsifying data in order to speed up the development process.

Despite these challenges, Axinqa Limited ('we', 'our', 'us', and 'Axinqa') is committed to upholding ethical standards and providing high-quality services to clients. Our Code of Ethics ('the Code') expresses the conscience of the profession and is designed to inspire and guide the ethical conduct of all software testing professionals, including current and aspiring testers, students, instructor and influencers.

  1. Introduction

    The Code is concerned with how fundamental ethical principles applies to Axinqa's software testers' professional conduct. Our clients are the paramount consideration in all of our actions and we urge all employees to place thoughtful acknowledgement into the fundamental ethical principles and objectives of this Code.

    Axinqa prioritises accountability and transparency, and we are open to discussions about ethical issues in software testing.

  2. Objectives

    The objectives of this Code are to promote the administration, efficiency and effectiveness of Axinqa's software testing, by --

    (a) providing and promoting consistency in software testing;
    (b) ensuring employees are competent and maintain high ethical and professional standards in the provision of services;
    (c) enhancing the protection of clients and the protection of our clients' end-users generally;
    (d) empowering clients of software testing services to make informed choices about the services and the costs involved; and
    (e) promoting regulation of software testing through advocacy for the profession to be efficient, effective, and targeted.

  3. Fundamental Principles of Axinqa

    Axinqa will act with honesty, transparency and fairness in all of our dealings. We understand that our clients place their trust in us to deliver reliable and high-quality software and hardware testing services, and we take that responsibility seriously. Integrity is at the core of our business practices, and we strive to demonstrate it in the following ways:

    Honesty and Transparency: We will communicate honestly and transparently with our clients, employees, and stakeholders. We will provide accurate and truthful information about our services, capabilities, and pricing. Software testing professionals should be forthright about any circumstances that might lead to either real or perceived conflicts of interest or otherwise tend to undermine the independence of their judgment. Unless discussed prior with our clients and stakeholders, we ensure that our commitments are honoured.

    Confidentiality: We wouldn’t exist without the trust of our clients. We maintain this trust by restricting access to personal information of clients to employees with a business reason to use it and by asking that our employees take steps to protect against unauthorised use or release of this information. We will maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary and confidential information that we are entrusted with, including our clients' data and intellectual property. We will only disclose such information with proper authorisation. We ensure that only the minimum amount of personal information necessary is collected in a system, and the processes used for the retention and disposal periods for that information is clearly defined, enforced, and communicated in our Privacy Policy. Personal information gathered for a specific purpose should not be used for other purposes without the individual's consent.

    Objectivity: We will approach our work with objectivity and impartiality. We will not allow our personal biases or interests to influence our testing methods or results.

    Professionalism: We will conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times. The software testing industry is continuously evolving and although no true best practices or standards have been established, we have established the Code to ensure that Axinqa as a whole has true, honest values instilled in its organisational core.

    Responsibility and Compliance: We will take responsibility for our actions and decisions. We will act in the best interests of our clients and we will work to minimise the risks and impact of any errors or issues that may arise. We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and internal policies. We emphasise on and maintain a strong culture of compliance and ethical behaviour throughout our organisation.

    Respect: We treat all individuals with dignity and respect and foster a culture of inclusivity and diversity. Prejudicial discrimination on the basis of age, colour, disability, ethnicity, familial circumstances, gender identity, union membership, nationality, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or any other inappropriate factor is an explicit violation of this Code. We do not tolerate any bullying, harassment or abuse in any form, and will swiftly deal with any issues that may arise that are in breach of the Code.

    Excellence: We strive for excellence in all aspects of the organisation, including our services, customer interactions, deliverables, and general operations on a day-to-day basis. We emphasise the inherent value in having constructive conversations, producing ideas, and developing new processes that create value for the software testing community at large. Axinqa believes that the placement of effort in striving for excellence contributes to the growth of the industry.

  4. Conflicts of Interest

    A conflict of interest develops when personal loyalties or interests are or seem to be, at odds with company interests. Relationships, financial interests, outside activities and receiving gifts or entertainment from vendors, suppliers and partners can lead to the appearance of a conflict of interest. The appearance of a conflict raises doubts about the quality of a business decision and the decision-maker’s integrity. We must never let conflicts of interest interfere with our loyalty to the Code.
  5. Promotion of Fair Competition in Software Testing

    Despite software testing is a largely unregulated industry, we insist on the highest levels of integrity and comply will current anti-competition laws. When we conduct our business in a competitive environment, we:

    (a) do not make false claims in relation to our competitors' services or our own;
    (b) avoid restricting competition through misdirected or unfair engagements;
    (c) respect and abide by the confidentiality of our competitors' trade secrets;
    (d) develop and implement our own business strategies through independent research and experience; and
    (e) succeed due to the quality of our services and deliverable products.

    We research our competitors in a fair, ethical and compliant manner. We do not seek out our competitors' information unless it is reasonable and lawful to have or use that specific information.
  6. Final Considerations

    When it comes to how we treat one another, it’s critical that we’re all on the same page. In order to help this, we have defined these simple behavioural standards in this Code. The Code acts as a reminder to all of us of our professional responsibilities and considerations to stakeholders. Importantly, this Code is not intended to and does not create any rights in any employee, customer, client, visitor, supplier, competitor, shareholder or any other person or entity.
  7. Compliance with the Code

    Axinqa will adhere to the Code and continue contributing to improve its terms. Our software testing professionals make a commitment to resolve any ethical issues they recognise, including, when reasonable, expressing their concern to any colleagues thought to be violating the Code.
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