Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing involves evaluating a software's design, functionality, and content to identify and address any barriers that may hinder access for people with disabilities. During accessibility testing, various aspects of the software are examined to ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This includes evaluating the software's compatibility with assistive technologies, proper keyboard navigation, sufficient color contrast, alternative text for images, and other accessibility features.

The goal of accessibility testing is to ensure that individuals with visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor disabilities, cognitive disabilities, or other disabilities can effectively access and use the software. By incorporating accessible design principles and conducting thorough testing, organizations can provide an inclusive digital experience for all users.

Accessibility testing goes beyond mere compliance. It strives to enhance usability and remove barriers that may limit user engagement. It helps improve navigation, readability, and interaction for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to fully participate in and benefit from digital experiences.

Screen Reader Testing

This type of testing focuses on evaluating how well the software works with screen reader software. Screen readers convert on-screen text into synthesised speech or braille output, enabling individuals with visual impairments to access digital content.

Colour Contrast Testing

Colour contrast testing involves evaluating the color combinations used in the software to ensure they meet the minimum contrast requirements. Sufficient colour contrast is essential for individuals with visual impairments or colour vision deficiencies to read and comprehend the content effectively.

Keyboard Accessibility Testing

Keyboard accessibility testing ensures that all interactive elements within the software can be operated using only a keyboard, which is crucial for individuals with motor disabilities who may rely on keyboard navigation instead of a mouse or touch input.

Alternative Text Testing

Alternative text testing verifies the presence and accuracy of alternative text (alt text) for images within the software. Alt text provides a textual description of images, enabling individuals with visual impairments to understand the visual content through assistive technologies.

"Accessibility testing opens doors to inclusivity, ensuring that technology is not a barrier but an enabler for individuals of all abilities. It's about empowering everyone to access and embrace digital experiences on an equal playing field."

The first step is getting in touch

Message us at any time to tell us about your software or embedded software and one of our friendly team members will get back to you with further information.

We can set up a consultation either in person or online in order to discuss your specific requirements and for us to provide you with some initial recommendations.

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Engagement and Process

After our initial consultation, you will be provided a scope of work and our formal Services Agreement.

Our scope of work will outline what testing methodologies are planned for your software (or the package you have opted for), the inclusions and exclusions, and is completely bespoke to your specific requirements.

Afterwards we will set up specified communication channels and work will begin.

View our Pricing Guide

Communication and Reporting

We aim to establish long-term partnerships built on the most appropriate structure to serve your requirements. Our team are seasoned communicators when it comes to testing and focus on client satisfaction, which means that you will be receiving ongoing productive feedback and suggestions.

At the end of our engagement, you will receive a formal Test Report. This report will outline any issues found within your software in a straightforward, efficient structure with only the necessary information.

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