Compliance Testing

Compliance testing ensures software applications adhere to industry-specific regulations, standards, and legal requirements. It involves evaluating and validating the software's functionality, security, and data privacy measures to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

During compliance testing, software is thoroughly assessed to verify if it meets the required industry standards, guidelines, and legal frameworks. This may include regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data protection and privacy, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for payment card industry compliance, or ISO 27001 for information security management.

Compliance testing covers various aspects, including data protection, access controls, encryption, audit trails, vulnerability management, and incident response. It also involves reviewing documentation, policies, and procedures to ensure they align with regulatory requirements. By conducting comprehensive compliance testing, organisations can identify any gaps or non-compliant areas within their software. This helps mitigate potential risks, such as data breaches, legal penalties, reputational damage, or loss of customer trust. It also enables organisations to demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high standards of security, privacy, and regulatory compliance.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance testing focuses on verifying that the software or embedded software complies with relevant laws, regulations, and legal frameworks specific to the industry or jurisdiction.

Security Compliance

Security compliance testing evaluates the software's adherence to security standards and best practices. It involves assessing access controls, encryption methods, vulnerability management, incident response protocols, and other security measures.

Accessibility Compliance

Accessibility compliance testing evaluates the software's compliance with accessibility standards. It focuses on ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access and use the software effectively, with considerations for screen readers, keyboard navigation, colour contrast, and alt-text for images.

Documentation Compliance

Documentation compliance testing involves reviewing and assessing the software's documentation, including user manuals, system specifications, policies, and procedures, ensuring that the documentation aligns with regulatory requirements, accurately reflects the software's functionality, and provides guidance for users.

"Compliance testing is not just about meeting legal obligations; it is a commitment to safeguarding data, protecting privacy, and upholding industry standards. It ensures software integrity and builds trust in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape."

The first step is getting in touch

Message us at any time to tell us about your software or embedded software and one of our friendly team members will get back to you with further information.

We can set up a consultation either in person or online in order to discuss your specific requirements and for us to provide you with some initial recommendations.

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Engagement and Process

After our initial consultation, you will be provided a scope of work and our formal Services Agreement.

Our scope of work will outline what testing methodologies are planned for your software (or the package you have opted for), the inclusions and exclusions, and is completely bespoke to your specific requirements.

Afterwards we will set up specified communication channels and work will begin.

View our Pricing Guide

Communication and Reporting

We aim to establish long-term partnerships built on the most appropriate structure to serve your requirements. Our team are seasoned communicators when it comes to testing and focus on client satisfaction, which means that you will be receiving ongoing productive feedback and suggestions.

At the end of our engagement, you will receive a formal Test Report. This report will outline any issues found within your software in a straightforward, efficient structure with only the necessary information.

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